JD Church is a movement of people with a vision to build the family of God, a community where every single member will be loved, accepted and feel connected.

Through discipleship we want to partner with you to find your identity through loving God and loving others.

Our Mission

Anything short of sin to reach people. Disciple people to find their identity through loving God and loving others. Equipping teams to spread the vision to towns, cities and nations.

Our Vision

To build the family of God, a community of people where every single member will be loved, accepted and feel connected.

Our Values

At JD, we are committed to heart values because they convey our heart for God, for each other, and for the world. They convey how Christian love in action is written into our DNA and guides our daily walk with Jesus.


We strive to honour, serve, and above all love God and each other.


We strive to use the gifts that God has given us to serve Him, and each other, as best as we can.


We advance the Kingdom of God when we use our gifts by serving God, our town and one another.

Reaching Out

We are intentional about reaching out to those who are close to us, but far away from God.


We love doing life together. Sharing a common vision to love God and to love others.

Our Beliefs

See how we view God, Jesus, the Bible, and many significant aspects of our faith. Firmly rooted in Scripture, the beliefs of JD guide our decisions as a church.

Our Story

Learn the ten values that keep the vision of JD Church clear. These values reflect our priority to reach people with the Gospel.

Our Leadership

Meet the lead Pastors who set the vision of JD Church.